
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Loosing Everything in a Night

Just got off the plane the sun is setting, been away for weeks and still don't feel like going to your one room studio apartment- breakfast, dinner dishes waiting for you the stench. No family to go see everyone is busy or your last embarrassing spat is still fresh and your keeping well away. All your boys are at work -picking up that overtime or away on this and that project and either way you don't really feel like meeting up with them today.

You decide go through you phone book looking for just the right date for such an evening, and your met with a number of names Monicah, Yvonne , Janet... that leave you shattering from memories of the last experience - don't think your in the mood for such today. Oh finally you land on that one number hmm... haven't spoken to this one in sometime, so you go ahead and ring buzz buzz buzz , no answer well that's the first set back, so you go ahead an try three more numbers till you get lucky.

Jump into your car and throw your luggage bags and your laptop bag - filled with my projects proposal, emails 4GB worth off- "safely" in the trunk and zoom off into the sunset thinking of all the prospects the night has in hand. Get to town enjoying the shiny new glare of vehicles and trying to stretch to see what's the latest import around- the economy doing well or is it the banks giving unsecured loans like candy.

Finally at the venue, and no parking space for miles tension is building haven't seen this new conquest in 3 Months, she is also eager my phone is ringing off the hook. See a parking don't even get a second glance of the area and just dumb the car and off I go for my evening sheen dig. An hour later and I'm thinking how did I get here can't stand the complains and issues coming out of my eagerly awaited date, cut my losses and come up with a story of how long the trip was- this point my house looks more attractive.

Start navigating my way back to my car all the way back thinking where the h**l did I park it, was I drunk on some cheap tequila, or the many mini bar give aways on the plane got to me- at this point your trot have broken into a jog. Get back to the car and my worst fears are confirmed, the doors are unlocked, could have sworn I locked them get in only to find My Stereo Is Missing! Jump out and head for the boot and there it is I'm met with the most terrifying site no LAPTOP! my projects, my emails, all my info, my investments. How do I tell my boss- dead man walking.

If only I had got with the cloud my life would be still be on track, go ahead give it a try and free you life for other escapades  click hear

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