
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sales Perception and Reality

Is it a sale or have you been talking to an individual who just likes talking to sales men. One of the things you must get away from when making a sale is the making of patterns in the air and the importance of telling the difference between false positive from false negative. Personally I believe every sale is different, depending on the level of trust and perception especially how your perceived, so all the Sales Funnels and Sales Processes can't help, it experience that counts. Making a sale is not about how good you are in identifying your users needs and requirements, it's about chemistry how well you relate with a buyer, digging up of his/her business aspirations, ever heard of the old saying people by people and not things and Items.

I especially like the short movie below which I stumbled upon on my exploration of TED, and how the propensity to make patterns self deception increases with the increase in difficulty one is faced with. I especially like the bit about false positive and false negative the difference between what you perceive and reality and how your judgment of that situation can get you into or out of serious situations. Click on below:

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